About Lorna Vincent Bsc, Cert CBT, PG Dip CBT (CYP)
BABCP (Accred) 017929
I am a CBT psychotherapist with over 20 years experience in a wide range of environments and working wide range of disorders which include OCD, panic, PTSD, social anxiety, health anxiety, depression, physical pain and pain management in both adult and child / adolescent mental health.
One area of particular expertise is in anxiety disorders in adults, young people and children (7 upwards). I have worked in specialist anxiety units with leading anxiety experts and I love that I am able to help people understand their anxiety in a new way and build a new relationship with it.
As a BABCP accredited therapist I have ongoing continued professional development and clinical supervision to make sure I am working to the highest standard, patient focused and with the most up to date research and techniques.
My Values and what drives me.
I believe there is no health without mental health. We all have a mental health and like our physical health there are things we can do to keep us healthy. There are habits we can learn to help keep us mentally healthy, sometimes what we do might be very small changes but even a small change can make a big difference to your life. I believe there is a shift in thinking around wellbeing and how we perceive mental health. People are slowly becoming more open about their feelings and experiences and I am passionate about helping people to make positive mental health changes to help them lead thriving and productive lives.
We all have a mental health and like our physical health we should be doing everything to look after it. This is my ethos and the values that are at the core of my work and my practice. I feel very privileged to do what I do and that I am in a position to guide people and teach them ways to make their lives happier healthier and more joyful.
Bsc Psychology
PG dip Child and adolescent CBT (UCL)
PG Cert (UCL) in CBT
BABCP accredited
Teacher training in Mindfulness (TDR level 1 Bangor University)
EMDR level 1/2

Book a CBT or Mindfulness session(s)
To book a CBT session(s) or Mindfulness training please get in touch with me via any of the methods below:
Call me to discuss your needs:
07546 069 688
Send me an email: